You have 2 options when creating a new user in DataServ:
- Create User
- Clone User
We recommend the Clone User option, as this will allow you to copy the security access of an existing user in the same role as the new user. The Create User option requires you to create the user's security access from scratch.
See the details below on both options.
Create User
The Create User option provides the ability to create a new user.
- Enter values for required fields indicates by an asterisk. Some fields may vary depending upon your configuration.
- Assign the appropriate security groups. See Setting Security Groups for more information about how to assign the Security Groups. See Security Groups for a description of the Security Groups.
- Click "Submit" to create the user.
Clone User
Clone User provides the ability to create a new user based on an existing user.
- Click the down-arrow on the right side of the "User to Clone" field. Select the User ID of the user account you wish to clone.
- Update the "First Name", "Last Name", "Email Address" and "Job Title" field to contain data for the new user account you are creating. Enter values for the remaining fields. Fields with an asterisk are required.
- The "Security Groups" field will contain the cloned user's security groups. Make any changes necessary for the new user's security access. (See Setting Security Groups for more information about how to assign the Security Groups. See Security Groups for a description of the Security Groups.)
- Click "Submit" to create the user.
Things to Note When Creating Users
Password Requirements
When creating a new user there is a password requirement that passwords must be a minimum of 8 characters.
- minimum of 8 characters
- Password is case sensitive
- 1 or more numbers
- 1 or more lowercase letters
- 1 or more uppercase letters
- 1 or more special characters [! @ # $% ^ & *( ) ]
15 Character Limit
When creating a user the user id format is the two letter client code, last name, and first initial and should be restricted to 15 characters. If you have a long last name that exceeds the character length it is suggested to put part of the of the last name in the last name field and the remaining part of the last name in the first name field.
If you exceed the 15 character limit for User Id, it will allow the user to be set up, but will not allow the user to approve documents despite having the necessary approval set up.
For example:
User First Name: Maggie
User Last Name: Martinez De Smiths
The User Id created would be: XXMartinez De SmithsM
This user id exceeds the limit for approval.
We suggest:
User First Name: Maggie Martinez De
User Last Name: Smiths
Then the user id created is: XXSmithsM
This user id is within limits and will allow approval without issue.
No Spaces or Special Characters
User IDs can NOT include spaces or special characters such as commas, apostrophes, dashes, or accent marks. If you enter in a First name or Last name with an extra space or special character it will not be reflected in the created User ID.
For example:
User First Name: John
User Last Name: O’Dell
The user id created will be XXODellJ
User’s Email Address Not a Valid Format
When creating user accounts an email address can only be associated with a single user.
If you need to create an additional account for a user you will need to use a different email for that account. The email address needs to be in a valid email address format: We suggest using for example
We do not recommend using jsmith@abc.com1 as this is NOT a valid format. For those users that currently do have an invalid email address format (jsmith@abc.com1) the reset password functionality does not work.
If a user needs to reset a password and the email address on their account is in an invalid format, update the email address on their account and then attempt the reset password functionality again. If the user is still unable to reset their password contact Client Support further assistance.
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