This section will cover topics related to Non-PO Invoices.
Approve an Invoice
You have been assigned as an approver for non-PO invoices. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you process those invoices.
Invoices that require your approval will be efficiently routed to you through an automated initial routing process or by your Accounts Payable department.
A listing of all documents needing approval will appear in a published search called ‘My Documents Pending Approval’ that will be available on your DataServ Dashboard.
In addition, you will receive a daily email indicating that you have invoices to approve. Clicking the ‘Approve My Documents’ link will take you to the DataServ log-in page or your SSO log-in.
You can select the "My Documents Pending Approval" tile from the Dashboard to access a listing of your documents pending approval.
This will open the Search screen listing all items routed to you for approval.
To select an invoice for approval, double-click the invoice in the listing.
The invoice will open in the Document Viewer. You can review it here and enter it in GL coding if it is not already coded.
If the invoice has been coded, the user can Approve the invoice.
The ‘Approve’ button can be found under the ‘blue’ workflow button in the upper left corner of the Document Viewer screen.
The ‘Approve’ window will be displayed.
Enter any notes regarding your approval. Notes are not required.
Click ‘Confirm’
After the invoice is approved, it will be removed from your ‘My Documents Pending Approval’ and continue through the predefined workflow path for your configuration. This is typically either another approval, review by the AP team, or transfer to your ERP system.
If you need to view the invoice again, you can search by Invoice Number, Invoice Date, PO Number, Vendor Name, or other criteria captured for that invoice. See Search for more information on DataServ Searches
Code an Invoice
To Code an Invoice, you will need to open the invoice and enter the GL Coding Data into the Coding Data form.
The Coding Form is only editable if the invoice is routed to the current user and the status is 'Pending Approval.'
From the Dashboard, click the "My Documents Pending Approval" tile and select the invoice you want to Approve/Code.
When you open the invoice, the Coding Form is at the bottom of the Document Viewer page.
Here is an overview of the features of the Coding Form:
To Code an invoice:
- Enter the appropriate values into the GL Coding fields (e.g., Business Unit, Cost Center, etc.. The actual fields may vary depending on your configuration.
- Enter the first few characters of the field value, and a drop-down menu will show the values that may be selected.
- Enter the Distribution Amount for the line.
Add Row
Click the Add Row icon to add additional distribution rows.
Delete Row
Click the Delete Row icon to delete a distribution row.
The Total Amount will automatically be calculated and must balance with the invoice total or invoice subtotal, depending on your configuration.
If you click Approve and there is an issue with the gl coding, an error bar will appear, and the field in error will be highlighted in yellow. You will need to make the necessary updates and then choose to Approve the invoice again.
Separate Coding Form Window
To view a large block of coding, you have the option to open the coding form in a separate window.
Click on the ‘Open New Window’ icon in the upper right corner of the document's coding area.
This will open a new window showing the coding lines in a larger format.
You have the same features and functionality of the document viewer gl coding including editing, adding or deleting rows, etc.
Default Coding
The Default Coding matrix allows you to assign default GL coding to specific vendors. This coding will be automatically applied to that vendor's invoices upon import into your DataServ solution.
This feature automatically applies coding to regular, repeating invoices, such as utilities, rent, subscriptions, memberships, copier leases, coffee suppliers, grass-cutting services, leases/debt payments, etc. This creates efficiency and reduces document touches.
Also, the default coding will update if any changes are made to the vendor after import, such as updating a ‘vendor not found’ or switching to the correct vendor.
For more information on Default Coding
Prior GL Data
Need to code an invoice with the same gl information as the prior invoice?
Click on the 'Apply Past Coding' button
An AP History Box will appear.
Select the radio button next to the invoice you wish to copy coding from
Once selected, click on 'Apply Coding'
The gl info will now show in the current invoices gl coding form.
You still can edit that coding or add or delete lines as needed.
Excel Copy & Paste
When Coding an invoice, you can use the Excel Copy and Paste feature to copy one or more rows from an Excel spreadsheet directly into the Coding Form. This is helpful for invoices that have a large amount of coding distribution lines and the data is identical or similar each month.
Open your Excel file that contains your coding data. The columns in your Excel file must match the fields on the Coding form. They must have the same number of columns/fields and be in the same order. The header column in your Excel file is not required, and notice that when you copy the cells, you do not copy the column headers. You can modify the data as needed before you do the copy.
To copy the cells, click Ctrl-C or right-click and select Copy.
Put your cursor on the first column and row of the coding data and paste the cells that were copied from the Excel sheet. You can either use Ctrl-V or right-click and select Paste.
The rows from the Excel sheet will be pasted onto the Coding form. Note that the Distribution Amount Summary is automatically calculated.
You still can edit that coding or add or delete lines as needed.
Other Workflow Options
Reject an Invoice
When approving an invoice, an Approver can Reject the invoice, which will send it back to the AP Team because we do not wish to have the invoice paid/processed
To Reject an invoice:
Click the small drop-down arrow to the right of the Approve button.
The Approve dropdown will be displayed.
Select the 'Reject' option.
The Reject window will be displayed.
Select the Reject Reason.
Enter a note regarding the reason for the Reject.
Click Confirm.
Invoices will now be routed back to the AP team and show in their 'Rejected' queue. The status will be 'Rejected', and the Route To will be removed. AP will mark the status as 'Duplicate/Void', and no further processing will occur.
For more information Reject Workflow Button
Return to AP
When approving an invoice an Approver can send an invoice back to AP Team for update or review.
To Return to AP:
Click the small drop-down arrow to the right of the Approve button.
The Approve/Workflow dropdown will be displayed.
Select the Return to AP option.
The ‘Return to AP’ window will be displayed.
Select a ‘Return to AP Reason’.
Enter in any notes informing AP as to why we are sending the invoice back for review
Click 'Confirm'.
The invoice will now be routed back to the AP team for review.
For more info Return to AP Workflow
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