So you received an email notification that you have a document to approve, but when you review your 'My Documents Pending Approval' queue, you are unable to see the invoice.
The email notification is designed to be sent every time a document is routed to you.
Any document can be routed to you and is not affected by security constraints
First, we need to find the documents routed to the user by creating a search by 'Route To'. Your AP Department, which has access to all invoices, will probably need to do this search.
We will use a single parameter of 'Route to' and then select the user from the drop-down.
This search will bring up any docs 'Routed To" the that user.
Review the documents and check the following:
1. Status-the status of the invoice is not included in your 'My Documents Pending Approval" search parameters
Review the status of the DINS we found in our 'Route To' search for the user and compare them to the user's "My Documents Pending Approval' status parameter.
Examples may be a Complete, Duplicate Void, New, etc.
Determine if these are statuses that need approval. If so we would need to add them to the published search so they will show for approver's. If not then we can remove them from the 'My Documents Pending Approval' published search so they no longer show. Modify, Create, or Delete Saved & Published Searches
2. Location-if your site uses a location matrix, does the user have access to that particular location
If there is a Location listed on the invoice then we will need to review the Location Matrix in User Management and verify user has access to that particular location. Location Matrix
3. Confidential- the invoice is marked confidential and user does not have security access to confidential invoices Confidential Vendor Matrix
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