This search contains all documents where a unique vendor could not be identified based on Vendor Name and Remit To Address captured off the invoice compared to your company's Vendor Master file.
This search should be checked daily. You will access these exceptions in the "Vendor Not Found" search queue.
- The Vendor Name field will contain "!NOT FOUND!"
- The Vendor Number field will be empty.
- The Vendor Not Found Reason Code will contain one of the following messages:
- Multiple Matches Found- The vendor master file has more than one record with the same vendor name and remit-to address. To resolve, vendors need to be inactivated or updated with more information (e.g. suite number).
- No Match on Vendor Name- There is no vendor name or the vendor doesn't exist in the vendor master file. To resolve, the vendor name in the vendor master file should be updated.
- No Match on Address- There is no address in the vendor master file that matches the remit-to address on the invoice. To resolve, research addresses in the vendor master file and correct them.
- Vendor Not Found- No vendor name or address exists in the vendor master file. To resolve, add new vendors to the vendor master file.
To work these exceptions, the AP team will select the correct vendor in the Vendor Name field. This will automatically fill in the Vendor Number field.
After you change the Vendor Name/Number, fields that are part of the vendor look up will also update at that time
Related Additional fields will update after you save the document and include:
- Vendor Type
- Currency
- Payment Terms
- Due Date (calculated using payment terms)
- Work Group (those using standard workgroup with initial routing matrix)
*note: not all clients use the above fields and therefore may not exist or update
If the correct vendor does not exist in the Vendor Name drop-down, your company's Vendor Master file will need to updated with the appropriate vendor information. Maintenance of the Vendor Master file is handled on your company's side, so you will need to reach out to the appropriate internal contact to facilitate updating the file.
Once your company's updated Vendor Master file is uploaded to DataServ, you will be able to select the correct Vendor Name and resolve the exception.
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